40th Reunion Report -- Part 1
by Patricia Anne WILLIAMS, Helene WILLIAMS Spierman and Leonore TIEFER
Hunter College High School Class of 1961
40th Reunion Home Page
Executive Committee
Helene Williams Spierman (Coordinator)  helenespierman@gmail.com
Carol Arndt Wolfe  cawolfe@nyc.rr.com
Evelyn Eckstein Lieb (Treasurer)  evilieb@aol.com
Leonore Tiefer  ltiefer@mindspring.com
Jane Walk Meisel  jwm68@columbia.edu
Patricia Anne Williams  patricia_12653@msn.com
On Sept. 8th, 2001, a large group of the astoundingly attractive and accomplished women of the Hunter College High School Class of 1961 gathered for a sumptuous 40th Reunion luncheon at Quatorze Bis restaurant on East 79th St. The organizers were overjoyed that over half of our tiny class (originally 137 graduates, plus 6 more who had "Hunter in their bones" although they had left before senior year) had subscribed to this reunion, and the ultimate attendance of 65 justified our efforts. This reunion included many classmates who had never attended a reunion, as well as many who had not come to one in several years. Attendees even came from England, France, Germany, California and Canada.
List of Attendees
(Left) Joann Tomaszewicz, Margie Deissenberger.  (W)
This page was last updated on: September 20, 2019
40th Reunion ReportPart 1
40th Reunion ReportPart 3
40th Reunion ReportPart 4

(Right)  Evi Eckstein Lieb and Carol Arndt Wolfe coordinate the lunch list with our name tags. (W)
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40th Reunion ReportPart 2
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Photographer Key
P- June Patron
K - Ann Koppelman Stamler
H - Carolyn Habib Cohen
W - Helene Williams Spierman
J - Jane Walk Meisel
S- Stella Homicki
B - Betty Berneck Belina.
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This page was last updated: September 20, 2019
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The first hour or so of the reunion occurred on the street outside the small restaurant where folks wandered back and forth checking nametags and exclaiming "you look just the same" even when it was patently obvious that 40 years had done the work that 40 years is bound to do.
Homicki, Kallos, Garrison, Osis, Gottfried, Hollday, Carey, Levenbook, Goertz, Werdenschlag, Shur, Wexler. (W)
Jane Walk, Roberta Dannenfelser, Ulana Stecura. (W)
After 40 years, Betsy Carey recognizes Vera Ames. (Debbie Hollday in background.) W)
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Hollday, Kallos, Levenbook, Charlat, Goertz, Werdenschlag, Shur,  Burstein, Wexler, Kizner, Pachter, Koppelman. (W)
Vera Ames Rushmer
Andrea Amster Stein
Marina Angel
Carolyn Appleman Forsman*
Carol Arndt Wolfe
Susan C. Bauer Krause
Betty Berneck Belina
Seyma Calihman
Betsy Carey Bumgarner
Jane Chaplin Jordan
Joan Charlat Murray*
Roberta Dannenfelser Flowers
Margie Deissenberger Schmitt
Rita Delfiner
Evi Eckstein Lieb
Janet Fensterer
Ligeia Fontaine
Suzy Friedman Brandwein
Marjorie Gamso
Peggy Garrison Said
Yvette Goertz Janssen
Joyce Goodwin McLaren
40th Reunion Attendees
Diana Gottfried Rosansky
Carolyn Habib Cohen
Lisa Harbatkin
Claire Harnan
Dorothy Holland Magette
Debbie Hollday Brown
Stella Homicki
Margaret Just Abdelnour
Joan Kallos Marks
Stefi Keller
Sharon Klayman Farber
Phyllis Klein
Ann Koppelman Stamler
Margie Landsberg Goldsmith
Mary Lechner Smoke
Marcia Leifschutz Fein
Anita Lerman Hamilton
Michele Levenbook Kohler
Sue Levine Fuhrman
Barri Limpus Clark-Jaspert*
Jane Mattes
Erica Mendelson Eisinger
Annette Musto Tobia
Ilze Osis Marovskis
Renee Pachter Cafiero
June Patron
Sandy Pinker Herman
Naomi Reice Buchwald
Judy Robinson Brodsky*
Rhoda Rothenberg Ferat
Muriel Shur Kranowski
Ellen Silverman Popper
Ulana Stecura Rondiak
Linda Thau Edelson-Slocum
Leo Tiefer
Joann Tomaszewicz Dale
Angela Vona
Jane Walk Meisel
Lisa Weinstein Selsby-Cohler
Margie Werdenschlag Nathanson-Smith*
Sue Wexler Hensel
Helene Williams Spierman
Patricia Ann Williams
Claudia Wilson
after lunch: Rhoda Schlamm*

Miriam Burstein and Irving Kizner
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