Hunter College High School Class of 1961
50th Reunion Luncheon Deposit and Class Gift Form
for SPIRIT CRUISES - Bateaux Luncheon
Saturday, June 4, 2011, boarding at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch cruise 12 noon to 2 p.m.
Name ________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________
E-Mail ________________________________________________________
1) Luncheon – Make check payable to Evelyn Lieb.
$71 is actual cost, including tax and tip.
You may send a deposit of $40 or
Scholarship Fund - Contribution –
to help some classmates attend ($25)


TOTAL Enclosed for Luncheon

2) Separate check for Class Gift to HCHS
(be generous) – Make check payable to
HCHS Alumnae/i Assn.

The Alumnae/i Assn. is a non-profit organization
and is eligible for matching gifts from participating
employers. You will receive a thank-you letter from the Assn.
for tax purposes.
Please print this form. Fill in the blanks, and send it with your check(s)
to Evi Eckstein Lieb:
Evelyn Lieb, 233 Nelson Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583.
This is only one part of the Reunion. Click HERE for a list of all probable events for the weekend.