Hunter College High School Class of 1961
Recent Photos -- 2007
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Class of '61 Opening Page
This page was last updated: September 20, 2019
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Angela Vona's Visit to NY -- August, 2007
Dinner at Gavroche

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Helene Williams, Angela Vona, Marge Werdenschlag.

Dessert time at Gavroche in September, with Carol Arndt Wolfe, Lisa Harbatkin, Rhoda Rothenberg Ferat, Ellen Silverman Popper (away from the table), Miriam Burstein, Renee Pachter Cafiero, Leo Tiefer; and off-camera, Marge, Angela and Helene.

Above and at right. Earlier in the evening, two shots of opposite ends of the table.
Miriam Burstein, Ellen Silverman.
Rhoda Rothenberg Ferat and Lisa Harbatkin.
Pat Williams.