Hunter College High School Class of 1961
Recent Photos -- 2014

Dinner at Trois Canards, April 10, 2014
Attendees:  Ilze Osis Marovskis, Rita Delfiner, Phyllis Klein, Carol Arndt Wolfe, Jane Walk Meisel, Margie Werdenschlag Nathanson-Smith, Helene Williams Spierman/Lehrman, Lisa Weinstein Cohler, Patricia Ann Williams, Leonore Tiefer, Rhoda Rotherberg Ferat, Angela Vona, and Lisa Harbatkin.
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Helga Hauck Shiva (left), with a student (from Helga's Facebook page). The photo is actually from 2012.
Barbara Bickelhaupt-Kliein Robuck and Doris Grewe Hunt, March 2014.
Joan Flanagan and husband in January, in St. Kitts.
Leonore Tiefer, at her birthday party, Feb. 5, 2014.