Hunter College High School Class of 1961
Recent Photos -- 2004
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Dinner at L'Ecole, 9/22/04
Leo Tiefer, Jane Walk Meisel, Marjorie Landsberg Goldsmith, Carol Arndt Wolfe, Angela Vona,
Margery Werdenschlag Nathanson- Smith, Patricia Ann Williams, Helene Williams Spierman. 
(Photo taken by a waiter.)
Two of the delicious and beautiful dishes (seafood; duckling).
Jane, Marge L., Carol.
Marge W., Leo.
Pat, Helene, and Angela (notice the red motif).
Angela, Pat and Helene.
Pat playing Treasurer.
Marge G., talking.
Carol, listening.
Pat, grinning.
Carol, Angela, Pat.
Leo, Jane.
Angela, Helene, Marge W.
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